How to use the Micro:bit v2 stubs

The micro:bit type stubs are independently maintained by the microbit foundation and are not part of the micropython-stubs project. Their stubs are currently not published to PyPI, so you will need to clone the repository and set up a sparse clone to get the typing files you need.
I just want to make it easier to use them with vscode and pylance; below is a process to get you started.__**

Assuming you are using vscode and pylance the below setup should get you started by setting up a sparse clone of just (one of) the typing folder(s) in this repo:

Assuming you have a folder for you project called: project_foo

Create and navigate to the typings directory:

  • Open your terminal.

  • Navigate to your project_foo folder

  • Create the typings directory if it doesn’t exist and navigate into it

  • Initialize a new git repository

cd project_foo
mkdir typings
cd typings
git init

Add the remote repository:

  • Enable sparse-checkout:

  • Create a file in .git/info/sparse-checkout and add the path of the folder you want to clone:

  • I am assuming you want to clone the lang/en folder. If you want to clone a different folder, replace lang/en with the path of the folder you want to clone.

# in the project_foo/typings folder  
git remote add -f origin
git config core.sparseCheckout true
echo "lang/en" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout

Pull from the remote repository:

# in the project_foo/typings folder  
git pull origin main

Start VScode

cd ..
code .