Pylint Configuration

Unfortunately Pylint does not (yet) support the use of stubs int the .pyi format. Please refer to Being able to use stub pyi files in pylint for more information.

Untested Update

There appears to be updates to allow the use of stubs in the .pyi format.

    Resolve imports to .pyi stubs if available. May reduce no-member messages and increase not-an-iterable messages.


Partial test results are:

  1. init_hook should be updated to include the stubs folder. init-hook='import sys;sys.path[1:1] = ["./typings",];

  2. all modules must be stored in modulename/__init__.pyi format, which is not the current format (modulename.pyi).

Pylint:Legacy configuration.


The below configuration for pylint will only work if the stub folders you are using contain .py files. For this you will need to manually rename the .pyi files to .py files, or copy them directly from the repository.

  • Configure pylint to use the selected stub folders

This instructs pylint to insert the list of paths into sys.path before performing linting, thus allowing it to find the stubs and use them to better validate your code.

  • use the .pylintrc sample file.

  • edit the line that starts with init-hook=

      init-hook='import sys;sys.path[1:1] = ["src/lib", "folder1","folder2", "folder3",];'
  • replace the folders with your selection of stub folders.
    Note that in .pylintrc the list of folders MUST be on a single line

  • the result should look like:

      init-hook='import sys;sys.path[1:1] = ["src/lib", "all-stubs/cpython_core-pycopy","all-stubs/micropython-v1_17-frozen/esp32/GENERIC", "all-stubs/micropython-v1_17-esp32",];'