Legacy installation

Prior to publish the stub packes to PyPi, the only option was to copy or clone the entire repository to a local drive and reference the different stub types from there. that method has been depricated, but I wanted to keep the documentation just in case that is still useful for someone.

However there are still a number of stubs that are in the repo and that are not published on PyPI. For these cases please follow the below instructions, and if you would like to see them on PyPI as well, please let me know in the [Discussions][].

Note however that I will not be activly maintaining these pages.

Clone or download a copy of the Micropython-Stubs repo

  1. Download a copy of this repo , either via git clone or by download a zip file with it’s contents

    • store this in a folder, for example ‘next to’ your software projects such as in c:\develop\micropython-stubs
      this contains a stubs folder that contains all stubs

      git clone https://github.com/Josverl/micropython-stubs.git
  2. Over time you may want to periodically update this folder using

    git fetch && git pull

Project configuration

For each project where you want to use the stubs you need to configure vscode and any linters that you use to use the correct stubs. This is not as complex as it seems initially, and once you have configured your first project, you can copy /paste that structure for other projects.

Quick start:

Copy the [samples][] folder to your project
This contains the template files you need to improve syntax highlighting with Pylance and linting with pylint.

Select which stub folders you need to reference

  • The order will influence results. place the ‘higher quality’ folders first.

  • Use forward slashes / rather than backslashes, also on Windows.

  • for example for micropython 1.17 on an ESP32 select:

    1. “./src/lib”,

    2. “all-stubs/cpython_core-pycopy”,

    3. “all-stubs/micropython-v1_17-frozen/esp32/GENERIC”,

    4. “all-stubs/micropython-v1_17-esp32”,

Clone the stubs repo

Note is the ‘olde way’ of installing the stubs. and it is mostly useful if you are activly developing / updating the stubs.

Configure VSCode & Pylance to use the selected stub folders

This instructs the VSCode Pylance extension to consider your libs folder and the stubs for code completion and static type-checking.

VSCode allows this configuration to be set on workspace , folder or user level. I prefer setting it per workspace or folder as that allows different settings for different projects, but you could do either.

The below configuration is [Pylance][] specific

  • use the samples/.VSCode/settings.json located in the sample folder

  • you can open this file in VSCode itself, or use the settings menu

  • add the folders to the python.analysis.extraPaths section.

  • it can be on a single line or split across lines.

    • make sure it is a valid json array

Example from .vscode/settings.json

    "python.languageServer": "Pylance",
    "python.analysis.autoSearchPaths": true,
    "python.analysis.extraPaths": [
    "python.linting.enabled": true,
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,

legacy resolving order

sequenceDiagram participant Pylance autonumber Pylance --x Source code: check rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .3) Pylance --x CPython stubs: check Pylance --x Frozen stubs: check Pylance --x Doc Stubs: check Pylance ->>+Board Stubs: check Board Stubs ->>-Pylance: return info end

Restart VSCode

VSCode must be restated for so that Pylance and linters such as Pylint to read the updated configuration.

You can press F1 and select

  • Python: Restart language server

  • or Developer: Reload Window command.

  • or stop / start the editor


Pymakr: Update pymakr.conf

Depending on the tools and configuration you are using it may be needed to exclude the To avoid the “all-stubs” folder to be uploaded to your Micropython MCU

  • add “all-stubs” to the “py_ignore” section

   "address": "",
   "username": "micro",
   "password": "python",
   "sync_folder": "",
   "open_on_start": true,
   "safe_boot_on_upload": false,
   "py_ignore": [
   "fast_upload": false

Order of the stub folders

The stubs can be used by different components in your development environment.

  1. the VSCode Pylance Language Server

  2. the VSCode Python add-in

  3. and optionally by an additional Python linter such as pylint or mypy.

These tools work together to provide code completion/prediction, type checking and all the other good things. For this the order in which these tools use the stub folders is significant, and best results are when they use the same order. ( Note that the different tools will not always agree, MyPy might show a warning where PyLance understands the intent of your code, and vice-versa )

In most cases the best results are achieved by the below setup:

sequenceDiagram participant Pylance autonumber Pylance --x Source code: check rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .3) Pylance --x CPython stubs: check Pylance --x Frozen stubs: check Pylance --x Doc Stubs: check Pylance ->>+Board Stubs: check Board Stubs ->>-Pylance: return info end