VSCode and Pylance

VSCode uses Pylance, and optionally a linter such as pylint or mypy.

Install the stubs from PyPi.

pip install -U micropython-<port>-stubs For details see Using stubs

Configure VSCode & Pylance.

VSCode allows the configuration to be set on workspace , folder or user level. I prefer setting it per workspace or folder as that allows different settings for different projects, but you could do either.

Install the Python and Pylance extensions.

  1. Install the Python extension from the marketplace. Pylance will be installed as an optional extension.

  2. By default the Pylance checking is sset to Off and the language server is set to Default I recommend you set the language server to Pylance and the checking to basic ( or strict ) pylance_settings.png

  3. Open a Python (.py) file and the Pylance extension will activate.

Select the correct Python environment.

If you have created a venv make sure to also select it in VSCode using F1, >Python: select interpreter or the UX

Set Pylance as the language Server.

Note: If you’ve previously set a language server and want to try Pylance, make sure you’ve set "python.languageServer": "Default" or "Pylance" in your settings.json file using the text editor, or using the Settings Editor UI. pylance.png

Example from .vscode/settings.json

    "python.languageServer": "Pylance",
    "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode": "basic",

Add configuration to suppress unneeded warnings.

After installing the stubs you may see some warnings that the source code to referenced modules is not found.

Import "machine" could not be resolved from source
Import "time" could not be resolved from source
Import "urequests" could not be resolved from source

This is because the packages do not include the source code, as it are stub-only packages.

To supress these warnings add the following to youryour VSCode configuration.


    "python.analysis.diagnosticSeverityOverrides": {
        "reportMissingModuleSource": "none"

Configure Pylance to read MicroPython stdlib stubs.

Pylance and Pyright do not by default allow you to override the stdlib stubs. This is possible but needs to be configured explicitly in the settings.

the VSCode configuration for this is shown below.


    "python.analysis.typeshedPaths": [

The diagram below shows the sequence of checks that Pylance/Pyright does to resolve the stubs for a module. with the above configuration it will first check the venv or the typings folder and then look for the stdlib stubs in these folders. Without the configuration it will only look for the stdlib stubs in the typeshed stubs that are shipped with Pyright.

sequenceDiagram participant P as Pylance/Pyright participant Source as Source code participant venv as micropython.pyi stubs in typings or venv participant stdlib as micropython stdlib .pyi stubs in typings/stdlib or venv/.../stdlib participant typeshed as typeshed stdlib stubs autonumber note right of P: lookup micropython module P --x Source: check rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .3) P ->>+ venv: check venv -->>- P: resolved MicroPython stubs end opt recommended configuration rect rgba(0, 128, 128, .3) note over P,stdlib: requires { "python.analysis.typeshedPaths": ["typings",".venv/Lib/site-packages"] } P ->>+ stdlib: check stdlib -->>-P: resolved MicroPython stdlib stubs end end rect rgba(128, 28, 128, .3) %% note over P,typeshed: requires configuration of path P ->>+ typeshed: check typeshed -->>-P: resolved stdlib stubs end

Sample VSCode configuration file.

The below configuration combines the above settings.

  • Enable Pylance and set basic checking

  • Suppress warnings about missing source code

  • Configure Pylance to read MicroPython stdlib stubs


    "python.languageServer": "Pylance",
    "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode": "basic",
    "python.analysis.diagnosticSeverityOverrides": {
        "reportMissingModuleSource": "none"
    "python.analysis.typeshedPaths": [
    "python.linting.enabled": true,
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,